Small English schools in England
There are advantages to attending a small English school in England, the main one being that you can count on lots of personal attention. You'll know your teachers well and your teachers will know you. You can also expect class sizes to be small, although some larger schools also offer small class sizes. A small English school will offer a more family-style atmosphere, with lots of contact between students and a real community feeling. These schools are great choices for students who are shy, travelling to England for the first time, or in need of extra individual support for whatever reason.
Small English schools generally speaking offer less variety, fewer activities, and a smaller range of course types and levels. It's important when selecting a small English school to be sure the other students and the courses will be a good match for what you're looking for (similar age, similar level, similar motivations). If you arrive and realize that your English course isn't right for you, it's unlikely they'll be able to offer you anything else. Ask to take an assessment test before booking, and if possible, try to speak to someone who's attended the school before.
Most rural English schools are small, so you can look at the Edufind maps for various regions in the UK and guess that schools outside of city centers will be smaller than schools in London. When you get in touch with an English school, don't be shy about asking how many students they have in all at any given time. The student numbers in summer will be far larger than any other period, with many small schools doubling in size.
The list of small English schools below is a mix of small, more rural schools in England, and small schools in the bigger cities, for those who prefer an urban environment.
International Colleagues School of English in Norfolk
College of International Education in Oxford
Oxford House College in Oxford
Totnes European School in Devon
Speakeasy School of English in London
Lydbury English Centre in Shropshire